What is Colostrum and Why is it so important for your babies health?

As a new mother, you may have heard the word "colostrum" thrown around a lot, but you may not fully understand what it is or why it is so important for your baby's health. Colostrum is a thick, yellowish fluid produced by the breasts during late pregnancy and the first few days after childbirth. It is the first milk that a mother produces and is often referred to as "liquid gold" due to its numerous health benefits for newborns.
Colostrum is high in protein, low in fat, and rich in antibodies, vitamins, and minerals. It contains substances called immunoglobulins, which are proteins that help protect the baby from infections and diseases. It also contains growth factors and other substances that help to promote the growth and development of the baby's gut, immune system, and overall health
One of the most important functions of colostrum is to help the baby's digestive system mature. The cells lining the baby's intestine are immature and have a high permeability, which means that they allow larger molecules to pass through easily. This is important because it allows the immunoglobulins and other substances in colostrum to be absorbed by the baby's body and help to protect it from infections and diseases.
Colostrum also helps to stimulate the baby's immune system and establish a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut. The presence of beneficial bacteria in the gut helps to protect the baby from harmful bacteria and promotes overall health. Colostrum also contains prebiotics, which are non-digestible sugars that help to nourish and support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
In addition to its immune and digestive benefits, colostrum is also important for the baby's overall growth and development. It contains growth factors that help to promote the growth and development of the baby's tissues and organs. It is also rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, which are important for the baby's overall health and development.
Colostrum production typically begins around the 36th week of pregnancy and continues for the first few days after childbirth. The amount of colostrum produced varies from mother to mother, but most mothers produce about 1-2 ounces of colostrum in the first 24 hours after childbirth. It is important to note that colostrum is produced in very small quantities, but it is very concentrated and packed with nutrients and antibodies, so it is all that the baby needs in the first few days of life.
As the baby grows and starts to need more milk, the mother's body will start to produce more milk and the colostrum will gradually be replaced with mature milk. This process, called lactogenesis, typically begins around the third or fourth day after childbirth and is signaled by a change in the appearance and composition of the milk.
It is important to note that it is normal for some mothers to have difficulty producing enough colostrum or mature milk. This can be due to various factors such as hormonal imbalances, breastfeeding difficulties, or certain medical conditions. If you are having difficulty producing enough milk, it is important to seek the help of a lactation consultant or other healthcare professional. They can help you to identify the cause of the problem and provide you with support and guidance to help you overcome any breastfeeding difficulties.
In conclusion, colostrum is a vital substance for the health and well-being of newborn babies. It is rich in antibodies, vitamins, minerals, and other substances that help to protect the baby from infections and diseases, stimulate the immune system, and promote overall growth and development. If you are a new mother, it is important to understand the importance of colostrum and to seek help if you are having difficulty producing enough milk. Remember to be patient and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Breastfeeding can be hard! But it is a natural and important way to bond with your baby and provide them with the best possible start in life.
You got this mama!!
♡ Sarah-Jane xx
Here are a few references and links that you may find useful for further information on colostrum and its importance for newborn health:
World Health Organization. (2019). Colostrum and breastmilk composition.
http://www.who.int/elena/titles/bbc/colostrum_breastmilk_composition/en/ -
Cleveland Clinic.Colostrum.
https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/22434-colostrum -
La Leche League International. (n.d.). Colostrum: The first gift.
https://www.llli.org/breastfeeding-info/colostrum/ -
Medela. (2019). Colostrum: The importance of the first milk.
https://www.medela.com/breastfeeding/mums-journey/colostrum -
Mayo Clinic. (2019). Breastfeeding: Getting started.